Thursday, June 09, 2005

The case of the rotting leg

Ok, my dad has this problem with his leg. It seems to be consumed by some flesh eating disease. It has been going on for years, all the while getting progressively worse. I tend to ignore it or think about other things. But now it needs attention. My sister posted (warning: it's gross) this snapshot* from the other day.

Michelle is completely freaked out about this, and rightfully so. It freaks me out to, I've been seeing it for so long that it appears "normal" in person, but yikes, it's amazing what one picture can do to one's mindset.

So, dad, we love you and we would appreciate you being around awhile, preferably without a peg leg and a parrot. GO TO THE DOCTOR you damn fool. GET IT FIXED NOW! Don't be stubborn, don't be obstinate, proceed directly to Go and don't stop until you have hotels on Boardwalk and Park Place. Keep hassling the doctor until it is ok. Besides, how in the world are you supposed to get around Disney World next summer on that. Get it taken care of.

* my large softball scrape is the second picture, but it is nothing compared to pops


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