Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Law & Order: Rash Unit

This morning I am on prednozone, again. It seems to be a rather regular occurrence for me, rather like a winter cold or spring allergies for most people.

While on a fantastic vacation to Montana last summer I had developed a gigantic blistering rashes on my arms that required a trip to the clinic for, you guessed it, prednozone. On our wedding night I used a fancy hotel shampoo, which by the next morning caused my ear to swell up and ooze which eventually sent me to the doctor for, you guessed it, prednozone. I am highly allergic to Cocoa butter/vitamin E, don't know which exactly, it causes a weeping rash beyond belief. In the last few years I seem to have become allergic to all but the most mild deodorants. I am currently getting over a $300+ dollar case of jock itch: 4 tubes of OTC cream, 2 visits to the doctor, 1 tube of prescription cream ($50), 1 month supply of prescription oral Lamisil ($160!).

I am allergic to stuff. Why I don't know. I didn't get a lot of rashes growing up. I remember on particularly bad rash during football junior year. I didn't get jock itch for the first time until I was in college. I discovered the cocoa butter allergy while trying to smooth out some stretch marks while I was an intern. Then Shel and I started going out, and have been in a nearly perpetual state of rashes since then. I was starting think I was allergic to her, or at least something she wears. But it's not like I can get rid of Shel, she feeds me...among other things. Plus, she's cute.

So I was pleasantly surprised when the doctor at urgent care yesterday suggested that the source of many of my rashes may in fact be light sensitivity. It makes sense, I only seems to break out after I've been in the sun a lot. This past weekend I went for to the dog park, went on a bike ride, mowed the yard, and played softball. The rashes seem to stick to places that are exposed: ears, neck, forearms, upper chest. It makes sense to me, but it means that I will probably start, for the first time in my life, wearing sunscreen on a regular basis. I will also probably have to get more safari/golf/cowboy hats, well, maybe not cowboy. I don't like these options, but I will try them to at least see if the rashes stop. If they do then I'll probably just have to keep wearing sunscreen if I want to continue the vast array of activities I enjoy in the outdoors.

Rash man, out.


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