Monday, November 28, 2005

And now back to your regularly scheduled programming

As many of you know, our dear friend T-Unit has been boarding within the Bunch's perimeter for 2+ years. He came to us out of the blue one day, requesting a "couple of days" lodging and then never really leaving, or working, or doing much of anything for that matter. Days turned into months, and months into years, almost always with the promise of if such and such happens then I can move out (he applied for Social Security Disability in late 2003, I believe). This arrangement never really sat well with me. Laziness is not a trait I particularly admire.

After a couple of years his being around became a boon with the arrival of Luka, and as of right now we have in-home babysitting and dishwashing. It at least made our arrangement a little closer to mutually beneficial.

Yesterday we returned from our Thanksgiving trip to learn that his Social Security Disability appeal had been accepted (from the wording Michelle relayed I think the term should be "barely accepted," but accepted nonetheless) with back pay to May 2004 and T-Unit will be receiving monthly checks from now until he expires. Needless to say, this is going to lead to big changes at the Bunchs' residence.

We discussed it with him last night and the Unit thinks he wants to get an apartment of his own here in CR. Do you know what I have to say to that? Halle-f'in-lujah, maybe there is a God after all. I don't know when it will be official but it may only be another month or it may be the end of the school year, but there will be an end to the occupation.

Now, what are we going to do with all the extra room?


The Bunch would like to thank the Folks clan for for an entertaining and filling afternoon last Thursday.

The Bunch would like to send a shoutout to the Hughes clan for hosting the Bunch over the Thanksgiving weekend. Good dinner and company. The Bunch would also like to thank the Hughes clan for lunch on Saturday, an awesome gesture.

The Bunch would also like to thank Grandpa Bob for paying our way into the OKC National Memorial, definitely something worth seeing if you ever get a chance.

And last but not least, the Bunch would like to congratulate the crew at The Daily Bailey on the birth of their son/nephew, Addison. Go Cubs!


Blogger Chris said...

Oh, oh, firestorm of controversy. Yep, I'll chime in.

Dishes, yes we will have to do them but it is a small price to pay to have a return to normal family life. Living with the Unit as a married couple with a child certainly does not qualify as normal under many circumstances.

Well, as far as Luka is concerned he will be watched until the end of the school year per our verbal agreement with the Unit. This was one of the things we discussed before the position of official Luka watcher guy was accepted. After that if he opts out that is perfectly fine with me. Although he has done an excellant job watching the young one.

I don't really know where to start with laziness. The fact that I help out with Luka, work 40 hours a week, workout 5 days a week, am usually in charge of cleaning house (sans dishes), take care of the yardwork, walk Bernie before work in the mornings, and sometime do the laundry discount that article, I believe.

In the post I mention the the Unit was barely accepted. I say that because there is specific language in the ruling that states something to the effect of "despite the fact that the claiment doesn't really take care of himself very well he is accepted anyways because he has past the age of 55." Apparently the Social Security Administration make a distinction based on the age of the claiments. Meaning, methinks, that if he had the exact same problems and was say 52, that he wouldn't have been accepted.

So what I think is this, if he took better care of himself he probably wouldn't have been in the predicament he has been in for the last 2 years and thus all these issues would be moot.

Call me lazy if you must, but maybe think about what you, intersity_too, would do or feel if you were put in the same position as the Bunch.

And Unit, if you read this, because frankly I don't know if you do or not, I've had a lot of issues about our arrangement. You might know that or you may not, who knows what Shel tells you. Hopefully you understand that this is me venting and that my issues with you stem from our living arrangement and not from interpersonal problems. Hate the game not the player.

2:08 PM  

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