Saturday, February 25, 2006

Great Moments in Paper Shredding

The other day Joe and Caleb were over while Jaime and Jason were out looking at cars. Usually my routine when I get home from work is to peruse the mail and shred everything that we don't need to keep. On this day, however, I decided to have my new personal assistants help in the paper shredding task. I gave them each sheet after sheet, one at a time, taking turns. I failed, however, in just one regard, when I didn't explicitly tell my assistants they were only to shred pieces of paper I handed them.

The next thing I knew Caleb was standing over the shredder as it went off, I knew that I hadn't given him something to shred, so I said "Caleb, what did you shred?" And Caleb, non-plussed and very proud of himself said "Mail."

After that the rules changed and we still have no idea what exactly he shredded.


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