Monday, September 25, 2006

When the Saints come marching in

Right now I'm watching the MNF game between Atlanta and New Orleans, the much-hyped reopening of the Superdome. This is obviously a big moment in the rebirth of the great city of New Orleans, but it begs the question what does the future hold for New Orleans?

When, if ever, will pre-Katrina population levels return? This seemingly simple question spawns a slew of intriguing questions. How long is the rebuilding process going to take? We are a year removed from the hurricane and much of the city has been leveled but for the most part new construction has yet to commence. Will the people come back, or will the city die a slow death, relegated to history books and adventure travelers like so many Mayan ruins, a relic of an era gone by.

Second, will the rebuilding process yield an improvement in the city? Before Katrina New Orleans was one of the poorest and most uneducated of large American cities, now the city has been presented with an opportunity unique in the annals of history, an opportunity to rebuild, Sim City-like, nearly from scratch. Can they improve their schools and infrastructure? Will they take the opportunity to improve the quality of life for all citizens.

Third, has the government learned it's lesson in the wake of it's massive humanitarian failure? Last week I watched "When the Levees Broke," Spike Lee's moving documentary about the hurricane and it's aftermath and some of the stories are simply astounding. People stranded for days at the Convention Center, interstate onramps, and the Superdome; people sent to far flung locations without knowledge of where they were headed, families scattered to the wind all across the country, and death in spades. Remember it took days for basic needs items like food to arrive in New Orleans at the places where people were stranded. It took days for transportation out of the city to arrive. People have waited months upon months for FEMA trailers to arrive and then not have the keys arrive to, rendering the trailer useless. The government failed on all levels on this, city, state, and federal. The racial issues in this case have been widely discussed, I believe that while not wholly true there is probably a nugget of truth to the claim of racism, I just can't imagine this type of response if the city in question was say Minneapolis. On the other hand, a disaster of this scope hasn't ever occurred and while there had been various doomsday scenarios tossed about regarding the levees in New Orleans I think they were mostly taken with a grain of salt. It certainly isn't beyond reason to imagine that all the levels of government involved were simply underprepared and overwhelmed by the situation, thus causing the now familiar scenes of hopelessness, desperation, and despair.

Whatever happens, the events surrounding Hurricane Katrina will be indelibly etched in the consciousness of Americans for generations, and hopefully the Saints will keep on marching and no one will have to march second line in the the funeral of a great American city.

Monday, September 18, 2006

With man gone, will there be hope for gorilla?

Ok so I lied, the MNF is on and I am powerless to change the channel, so here sit trying to type something. I have a feeling this post may meander a bit, so if you want something short and concise go read some Hemingway. So there's this whole thing with Shel being impregnated again, which is cool, except now we have to make some choices like: which baby get which room, what will we have to buy for the new baby, is Luka old enough to sleep in a bed, are we still going to get a new bed, what color are we going to paint the spare room, where the hell is Luka (in the basement probably), who is going to watch the new baby, can we afford to send the new baby to RC daycare if necessary, is the new baby a boy or girl, what will be the new name of said boy or girl, what is the hell is Luka eating, who do I need to start in fantasy football this weekend, and other topics of various peril and impart.

I got Madden 07 the other day and I am no good at it. I think they have finally reached the saturation point where I can't possibly handle all the options anymore. Did you know that defenisvely before the snap these are all the options you have to choose from:

Defensive line audibles
Spread the defensive end outside the tackles
Move the line in tight between the tackles
Shift the line left or right
Crash inside or outside
Crash left or right

Linebacker audible
Spread out the linebackers
Move linebackers in tight
Shift linebackers left or right
Put all linebackers in hook zones
Blitz all linebackers
Blitz left or right linebackers

Coverage audibles
Put DBs into press or loose coverage
Show blitz
Shift safeties and linebackers into better position to cover their assigned man
Shift safety coverage left, right, or out

Zeesh! It makes my head hurt. On the plus side I actually returned a kickoff for TD on the Pro setting, although I think the Pro setting is too easy (the All-Pro is too hard for a schmuck like me).

Other than that I've been spending a lot of time playing 360 and watching football while patiently waiting for Shel to get over her morning, noon, and night sickness and I think we are nearly at the end. This is a good development.

And for my grand finale Gabe has shown me the city council meeting brilliance that is this video. Beware of rogue helicoptor pilots! A quality effort on Gabe's part to get this information out to the public.

Last week I read Over The Edge of the World and would highly recommend it to any history buff. I couldn't put it down, why don't they make movies about this type of stuff? Who knew how absolutely fraught with danger and derringdo the first trip around the world was? I've now begun reading Ishmael, which comes as a gift and highly recommended by Loren, it's something a little bit outside my normal reading lists and so far it seems to be focusing on a telepathic gorilla. We'll see where it goes.

Over and out, I'm going to bed I think.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


This weekend Luka added a new word to his vocabulary. "What?" He says it Lil' Jon style. Oh, that and he started walking. I will now return to playing 360 and not posting.