Monday, August 22, 2005

Thoughts while playing Polar Golf

  • Today was the official start of the top secret operation known as "T-Unit watches the baby and we hope the world doesn't end." Also, Michelle started back to school today.
  • I don't really particularly enjoy changing poopy diapers.
  • You need to score a shitload of points to get a score worth bragging about in Polar Golf.
  • Yes, I paid $20 to unlock the full version of Polar Golf.
  • I like taco pizza
  • And caramel corn
  • And loud noises
  • I miss sleeping 8 hours a night
  • I miss working only 8 hours a day
  • Gene, Gabe and I discussed it and we need some graphic design help we need a sticker that says "This house protected by EDBS" as opposed to the ones everyone already knows that say "This house protected by ADT." We definitely need the EDBS to be in the same style as EDBS (Emergency Dog Broadcasting System). Also, we really really need an EDBS employee of the month plaque with Bernie's mug on it for our dining room wall.
  • Hands down the best show on TV is "Hogan Knows Best." Watch it. Live it. Love it.
  • First full weekend of college football ticker: 11 days
  • If you read this page, there are only so many of you, and you are not my parents (sorry guys), you are invited to our house on Saturday, Sept 10 for a full fledged tailgate party to celebrate the ISU/Iowa game. Yes Virginia, we will buy a keg. You're welcome.

That's all. Au revoir internet.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Tom Miller, we hardly know ye!

For those of you who are in on the joke, you need no description. Commence with the ROFL.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

BTA for short

I love this post. The best one is "Fucking total batshit thunderdome anarchy." I will now use it in a sentence.

Today we went to Williamsburg for tax-free shopping, by the time we got there the Old Navy Outlet was fucking total batshit thunderdome anarchy.

Internet, now you give it a try.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The story of this morning as told by me

So yeah, I flipped out a bit this morning. It happens. The baby woke up 5, he was wet, and by wet I mean his outfit and blanket were wet as long as his diaper. He was cranky because he was hungary but then he didn't seem to want to eat, and he was wide awake. I took him to bed with me. Usually when that happens it is lights out and he is finished. Not this morning. By the time he stopped fussing, by my feeding him while I tried to doze off, my alarm was going off. I didn't want to get up so I tried to sleep for an extra half hour, didn't really work all that well. When I get up Shel asks me to change his diaper.

To recap, I've been up for over an hour with the baby already, I'm a bit cranky, and I'm running behind on getting to work. I begin changing the diaper and it is loaded. As I am wiping he farts, taking this as an indicator of what is to come I make preparations to keep order by placing the baby wipe in a what could best be described as a catch position. It works, I successfully fended off one round of live-action baby poopapalooza. I, however, am not prepared for round two, which goes everywhere. This is where I start to lose it. Three baby wipes, one dirty changing pad, one dirty diaper, one crying baby, and one upset Dad later I am done changing the baby. This is when I notice that the baby's pajamas are wet, again. How in the hell did that happen? Needless to say, at that point the baby scored a TKO. I handed the baby to Shel and start getting ready to work, it was not the most auspicious beginning to the morning.